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Today marks our last day of surgical operations at Las Obras. Daily breakfast was followed by devotionals from our spiritual leaders. During the devotionals, John Hubbard reminded our team that the only life we really live is right now, here in the present moment. After morning routines, the team made our way to Las Obras to round off the week of surgery. There was continued improvement with overall operations, specifically in time management throughout the day. With the heap of emotion, stress, and focus that accompany this week at the Obras, Monday through Thursday genuinely flew by.

There was no better way to end our time here in Antigua than with a celebration. The theme this year was “The Last Disco.” The team showed out with their outfits and wasted no time getting to the dance floor. Everyone shared good laughs and stories with pizza from El Cazador Italiano on the menu for dinner. The team was able to celebrate completing our mission this week and embrace the reward of helping the remarkable people of Guatemala.

This marks the last year that team leaders Jim and Mary Stempel will be attending the mission trip in their respective roles. I wanted sit down with them to get their outlook on the evolution of team awesome and their thoughts on this trip to Antigua. Jim Stempel explained that he was initially asked to join twenty-one years ago to fill a surgical role. He found that in Guatemala there was a calling, a feeling that made him want to keep returning to treat these patients. They both nurtured a culture and sense of family that has continued to build and build until this present moment. They explained the importance of this family like aura that has been built between returning members, their families, and the Stempel tree. Although the two may be unsure about returning themselves, they expressed confidence in the leaders they have mentored, and the members like Jim, who have found a calling here in Antigua.

-Spencer Kang


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