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Last night (Thursday) we celebrated our team’s 76 total surgeries!  Appreciation was expressed for every person who was an integral part of that accomplishment.

Today was our last day in Antigua before heading back to the United States on Saturday.   The surgeons went to the Obras Hospital in the morning to make rounds and check on all the patients.

Most of the team had a day off to explore the area, go sightseeing, do some shopping, or relax.

Dr. Ted Peters and his wife Nan arranged a visit to the Casa de Angeles orphanage outside Antigua.  Dr. Peters and his wife have been involved with the orphanage for many years and serve on the foundation’s board.   We have not been able to visit the orphanage since 2020, so it was exciting to return, especially with many new people who have not been there before.

As we pack up to leave, we can reflect back on how this week impacted our five senses:

Touch – We had the opportunity to give and receive hugs, to touch the lives of our patients and their families, and we were touched in ways we could not have anticipated by their sincere gratitude.

Taste – Not only did we get a taste of the wonderful Guatemalan cuisine, but we got a taste of the Guatemalan culture.

Sight – We saw so much this week – smiles, tears, tough medical challenges.  God opened our eyes to see through the lens of the lovely Guatemalan people.

Smell – There were so many impactful smells  – the aroma of delicious food, the fragrance of the beautiful flowers everywhere in Antigua, antiseptic in the operating rooms.

Hearing – We heard the stories of so many people.  We had the opportunity to learn about what their daily life is like and how that has been impacted by their illness or injury.   Most of all we heard “Gracias” over and over again.

For those of us who have had the privilege to come to Guatemala more than once, we find a joy and peace here that we do not find at home.   Coming back to Guatemala recharges us, sets our priorities back in focus, and prepares us to better cope with life at home.  We know those new to the team will also take that joy and peace home, and we hope to welcome them back again.

In Mt. 25:40 – Jesus said, “And the King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.’

Every team member was here as a part of God’s plan.  It may have been a chance meeting or conversation that led to the decision to join the team.   Our patients and their families saw Christ working through us this week, and we saw Christ through them and their devout faith.

On Thursday we had a special treat, a delicious chicken lunch catered by Pollo Campero at the Obras Hospital. Pollo Campero has been a great supporter of Faith in Practice teams, and we so appreciate their generosity.


Therese Kiernan

Team 762 Photojournalist


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