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On our last surgical day, Dr. Farrow spoke about agape love. The message beautifully incorporated all of the work we have done in Guatemala this week. Jesus has set love as the primary outward sign of our faith. Not what we know, what we do, our talents, titles or opinions. How we love.
I am blessed beyond measure to have experienced the love and comradery that comes from serving on a Faith in Practice mission for the thirteenth time. I’m asked regularly about why I keep coming back. The answer is a simple one. Working with the Guatemalan patients, FIP volunteers, and FIP staff is a beautiful labor of love. Everyone here is working towards the same goal, and the kindness that is exchanged fills my cup each time I come. I was introduced to Faith In Practice during a time in my life when I needed it the most, and it’s brought me through other challenging times throughout the years. I now see the 2 weeks out of the year that I come as an absolute must, and I believe that anyone who has the desire to come would leave feeling equally blessed.
Today I got the opportunity to work with a 10 year old boy named Marvin by introducing him to one of my other passions, yoga. Marvin suffers from a dysfunctional bladder which is caused by tight pelvic floor muscles. With the help of my dear friend Ivonne Anzueto interpreting, we were able to demonstrate a few yoga poses that will help him void normally and without pain. Even though I’ve served on many teams, I still walk away with new experiences and ways to serve each time. I’m blessed to be a blessing!!

Jeanine LeBleu BSN, RN