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The last day of the clinic is bittersweet, with that difficult to describe combination of sadness and excitement going on, all at the same time.

The devotional topic is rules and compassion, and we fast recognize love and compassion are necessities of life, not luxuries. Humanity desperately needs those two traits to survive. For joy to be experienced by others in life, teach and practice compassion. Rules are important, but they are the structure, not the heart of the matter.

After prayers was the debriefing, to discuss the schedule for the day. Single words expressed missionaries’ feelings before, during and after the mission: exhilarated, happy, fortunate, honored humbled, encourage, thankful and yes, exhausted, were among them.

As we are heading to the clinic, people are lined up outside. Those requiring special needs such as wheelchair, move along to the mobility clinic. Those first moments display a little extra something: everyone was ready to attack the day with enthusiasm and industry. Providers dealt with mobility and heart issues, together with diabetes and mental health problems. The later, at a minimum, is of equal value to the rest. Depression and other undiagnosed mental disorders were analyzed. The success here is achieved, because the Guatemalans step up. They acknowledge they have problems, and have at it with a therapy session.

There was also a lot of collaborative assistance: people pitched in when other providers needed support. When necessary, referrals were provided in the mental care, surgical consult and physical therapy areas.

On a personal note, the Guatemalan people will always be an integral part of my prayers and heart. I am also so thankful for this magnificent opportunity to serve others, along side such a wonderful team and organization.

Friday, we are heading to Antigua. First, we had devotion and prayer then debriefing for the week and it was very positive, emotional and touching. Everyone expressed their opinions and feeling about this week. It was a productive debriefing, everyone felt great coming out of it.

After hard and wonderful week in the clinic, we get a free day in Antigua. This group enjoyed each other so much; we had lunch and dinner in great restaurants.

Quotes of the day are by Paramahansa Yogananda, “Love is the light that dissolves all walls between souls, families and nations.” “Kindness is the light that dissolves all walls between souls, families, and nations.” “There is a magnet in your heart that will attract true friends.”

Guru Singh, RN, BSN, RRT

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