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“People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of interior motives. Be kind anyway.

If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.

If you find happiness, people maybe jealous. Be happy anyway.

The good you do today maybe forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.

Give the work the best you have and it may be never enough. Give your best anyway.”

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”

Seeing so many patients doing well during morning rounds filled our hearts with love and gratitude.

One of these patients from yesterday was Wendy, a ten-year-old sweet little girl. She had her adenoids removed because she had breathing issues and difficulty sleeping through the night.

It was great to hear that she finally experienced a good night sleep and had no pain this morning. She was happily eating her breakfast and told us she was hoping to go back to school as soon as possible because she loves studying especially math. Her true passions are drawing and painting, and her dream is to become an artist one day.

Another inspiring person seen today, was a 16-year-old girl from Rea. Leslie, a kind and intelligent teenager, who is already in pre-med, with dreams of becoming a doctor someday. She is drawn to this profession for two reasons: one, to help her mom who has had diabetes for 17 years, and the second being the loss of her 20 year-old sister to cancer. She seemed so passionate about wanting to help others. It was a moment of awe hearing her story. She has already found her North Star.

After a failed surgery two weeks prior, Amada Isabel got a second chance today for a total hip replacement. There was a cancellation in the original schedule thus allowing them to add her in. Because it was not a planned surgery, Joaquin, a surgical tech, drove an hour, arriving at a warehouse where he had to sift through multiple trunks to find the necessary equipment to perform the surgery.  The doctors were determined to do whatever was necessary to help this 52-year-old woman receive the appropriate care.

The pain in her hip began two years ago and progressed from an initial limp to now feeling like it has negatively affected all aspects of her life. She explained that she had heard that the hospital did good surgery and that she decided “To throw my hat in the ring!”  If it wasn’t for her post-surgery infection that brought her back to the hospital, she said she would have just continued to try walking on it and knows she would have ended up with an ever bigger problem. She hopes after a successful surgery that she will be able to enjoy her family again and return to her church community.  She added that her favorite dance is the salsa and explained that, “You have to have good hips to do the dance.” She articulated that God brought her here and she is very grateful to God and all the people who are helping her.  During her visit with the doctor this morning, she said her observation was that he inspired a lot of confidence. She commented that she felt very much at peace just listening to him and apart from that, thought he was very good-looking. “If you’re [hungry], you can just look at the menu,” she said hysterically.

A  few final thoughts from the Faith in Practice Crew:

“This trip has been different in that we’ve encountered a lot more obstacles, but the resiliency in our own group has been awesome!” – Shannon (RN)

“There are a lot more people in this group, but all have been patient and flexible with bumps in the road.  All the flexibility and patience has paid off as day 5 is running very smoothly.” – Rose (CRNA)

-Beata Pogodzinski and Rebecca Ross

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