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13 surgeries were completed today. We had a unique traffic stop on the way to the hospital this morning with a group of cattle meandering their way across the road.


Patient Highlights


Gerber came in for surgery yesterday, and when we talked this morning, he was very excited about already feeling relief and reports having been in pain for 2 ½ years. Consequently, he hasn’t been able to work. Gerber had been working as a supervisor at a sugar cane plant. He’s hopeful to be able to return back to work after his recovery.

Gerber, his wife and four kids live 3 hours away. He reports that he’s made 10 attempts to get medical treatment at the national hospital but was turned away each time. Gerber says he was scared at first when he came in but today describes his experience here as ‘beautiful.’



Liliana came to Hilario Galindo hospital for surgery today. She’s 27 years old and has two girls, ages 3 and 5. She and her kids live with her parents in a town about 1 ½ hours from here. Liliana has two older sisters. Liliana works odd jobs sewing curtains & bedspreads and also makes and sells tortillas. Her father works selling firewood. In our discussion after her surgery, Liliana says she was “treated with kindness from beginning to end.”