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Day 4 of the clinic is finished, wrapping up what has been a wonderful, inspiring, busy, uplifting week.  Despite the 92-degree heat and the loss of power for the first half of the day, the team found ways to work around challenges and were able to see every patient with time to spare.

Although we saw patients with varying illnesses and ailments throughout the week, it was their stories that truly inspired and interested us.

One man came into the clinic seeking a solution for the intense headaches and shoulder pains he had every day. As Dr. Carroll asked him about his lifestyle and health history to try to pinpoint a cause, he admitted that his son had recently crossed the border after walking from Guatemala to the United States, and he was extremely worried about his safety. This prompted a meaningful conversation between Dr. Carroll, Kate (her translator), and the man about parenting, gratitude, and accepting the unknown.

Another woman told her doctor she had been praying every day for a miracle from God and felt she had received it after her diagnosis.

Stories like these connect us with the people of Guatemala on a level deeper than health and service. Through spending time with this community in Petén, we were able to recognize our shared humanity and connectedness.

After clinic finished, we had a gift ceremony for our red hats, with gifts put together by Chava, Cindy, and Christy. They were so grateful for the gesture, and we were happy we had the opportunity to show them our gratitude!

Tonight’s devotional was from Merg, who focused in on the theme of gratitude. It was the perfect message to finish our week on, as she gave shoutouts to members of our team and expressed her gratitude for the effort and care everybody showed throughout the clinic.

This week was magical, inspiring, and life-changing for many members of team Robinson, and we can’t wait to be back next year!

-Megan Gerwe

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