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Welcome back! I can’t believe it’s our fourth day in Guatemala, time is going by so fast when you’re having fun helping and serving! At devotional we learned how Jesus is the door that protects you from the outside. This struck out at me because I’ve always heard that Jesus is the shepherd, but he is also a door that keeps the predators out and the sheep in. Once he has you he will not let you go!

The patient with the challenging case I mentioned yesterday is recovering and doing well. She is slowly but surely getting back on her feet. Some of the team members had the chance to meet the kids that go to kindergarten next to the hospital. Paula the Surgical Mission Coordinator mentioned that less and less kids are attending and a lot of schools have turned virtual since the pandemic. The time that the children attend classes have also changed. Before, the kids would go five days a week, but now it’s only for 2 hours, 2 days a week. The children were very sweet and welcoming, they were ecstatic to meet us but more so, to see the new toys haha! The teachers and staff are doing an excellent job running the school and keeping the kids entertained but also learning!

Today was another successful day. It’s amazing to be a part of a team and see the care they have for these patients. I would like to end with a riddle: “ What has keys but no lock, has space but no rooms and has enter but not exit”? Watch out for tomorrow blog to see the answer. Hasta mañana friends!

Archana Thomas

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