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We completed 15 surgeries  today. Amazing coordination required to make all the essential pieces work in sync; pre-op, surgery, OR nursing, OR anesthesia, pharmacy, post anesthesia care unit, and finally recovery unit placement and discharge preparation. The role of the translators has also been critically important where needed.

Patient Highlights


Jose travelled four hours from his home in Santa Lucia to Hilario Galindo hospital for surgery. He works as a landscape maintenance supervisor and shared that he has had to work through pain for the past 15 years to keep his job. He initially saw Faith In Practice in 2019 for evaluation and has been waiting for surgery since then due to the pandemic. Jose supports a large family and says he is extremely grateful for the care he’s received here.


Gloria is a 36 year old woman who had surgery here yesterday. She has 3 children ages 10, 7 and 4 and lives in the local area. She’s been waiting for two years to get her surgery done. Gloria cooks and sells food at the local market, rice, pigs feet, stuffed peppers, beans…. Her husband works as a bricklayer. Gloria tells me she is thankful from the bottom of her heart for the care she’s received here. She feels she was treated with dignity & respect and plans to spread the word to friends and people in the community about what a good experience she’s had here.