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Day 4 – Feb 4 – “in omnia paratus”

Today’s devotional was about the latin phrase “in omnia paratus” – Ready for anything.  We talked about how we need to expect the unexpected and be able to roll with it.  How prescient this was.  The day included several improvisations in the OR, power going out momentarily, changes in schedule and even a late night earthquake (Guatemala has many volcanoes, a few active).

Today was the first day of rounding following the surgeries from yesterday.  There were many smiles when the surgeons and interpreters walked into the ward rooms to check on their patients and get them ready for discharge.  There is relief and happiness, hugs and high fives, and lots of picture taking of doctors and interpreters with kids and moms and dads.  This is what it is all about.  The parents are so grateful to everyone involved, even hugging the blogger/photographer (me) :-).  They talk about how they’ve waited, sometimes years, to take care of their child’s condition.  And then it is done and in a short while they will be returning home.  Kids smile and the older ones talk about wanting to be a fireman, or una enfermera (nurse) or un doctor.  There is hope and inspiration.

But gratitude is not a one-way street.  As one surgeon on his second trip said, “I am grateful that families put their trust in me and us.  It’s really a privilege and an honor for them to trust us with their kids.  I came back because I had such an incredible experience.  The people here locally that put this together are fantastic and they really believe in the work that they do and they’re inspiring.  So I wanted to be able to contribute as much as I possibly can by coming back.  And hopefully will continue to do so for many more years.”

And from one of our interpreters:

“My reason for coming here is to help.  I can share my talents and one is patience, love, caring, and knowing Spanish, so I can share that.  Coming here to Guatemala just shows me how people are so humble and so grateful.  When you leave here, you get more out of what you give, way much, knowing these people are so grateful and not so fortunate as we are.  It is a continuous reminder of how blessed my life is.”

Mic drop.

Mike Miniati

Team Blogger

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