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“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” — Maya Angelou

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God.”— Colossians 3:16


One of the things I enjoy about mission trips is the opportunities to experience those memorable moments when the extraordinary breaks into the ordinary.  It’s that feeling you get when you are living large and more fully.  Throughout the week we got to know a ten-year-old named Augustine, whose family made sure the Banos were clean (By the way, we had the best Banos ever — the toilets actually flushed)!  His favorite activity was basketball, but he showed an interest in our wheelchair clinic.  So, I, being the benevolent and caring leader, invited him to do my least favorite activity in the wheelchair process — inflating the tires.  He willingly blew up some tires which was a big help.  Then my “grandpa-self” kicked in and I asked him if he would like to put a wheelchair together.  Maybe there is an opportunity for a teachable moment.  He jumped at the opportunity.  I’m fairly confident he had never put a wheelchair together or used a cordless impact wrench.  Step by step he put the wheelchair together.  He also saw the recipients of the wheelchairs and the difference it makes for the entire family.  Who knows what Augustine will do in the future?  Maybe he will become a Saint (Augustine)?  The Greek word for saint means “set apart” or “different”.  I must believe he will be a little different because of this experience. I am confident he will never forget the time he made a wheelchair at a clinic where he helped someone in need.  Maya was right, “When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” How are going to help today?

Prayer:  Hey God, help us all be a little different in a good way to help others.  Amen.