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Hello! Its Twooosdaaaayyy, and am delighted to see you. One of the songs we sang today in worship was “One Thing Remains”, which talks about how His love never fades and never gives up and never runs out on his children. Also, during Clergy David’s devotional he talked about how we need the light of Christ to navigate the world. The song and message connected in my opinion, the reasoning is God gave this light to us, because of how much he LOVES us.

Today is the second day of surgeries. The doctors were doing their rounds in the morning to check up on the patients that are recovering and look at the Pre-Op patients. I had the opportunity to talk to Carlos. I met him on Sunday and was scheduled Monday to get his inguinal hernia removed, by Dr. Bradford and his team. On Sunday he was telling me how he suffered from the hernia for 2 years and this would restrict him from working. This morning he had a smile on his face and said he was calm, happy and excited to be discharged today.

There was a challenging case with one of the patients in the afternoon. The doctors, nurses and team controlled the situation promptly and cautiously. It was good to see how everyone stayed calm and worked cohesively. The problem was discovered by the medical staff, and the patient issue was resolved quickly.

We’ll keep seeing patients and performing operations tomorrow. If you have been waiting for the answer to the riddle, thank you for patiently waiting. The answer to the riddle was “A Map”, haha. I hope you liked the riddle and see you tomorrow on the next adventure we take in the Hospital Hilario Galindo.

Archana Thomas

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