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We started our first day of surgery with a heartfelt devotional from Barbara Martini. She reminded everyone of the joy this mission brings and no matter our individual beliefs, there is a greater power supporting our journey here. The team arrived at Las Obras shortly after 7:00am to kick off our week of surgical care. Our first day of operations presented unique challenges working alongside the separate medical team and organizing “flow” in the hospital setting. Our group displayed a commendable ability to adapt to various situations as they presented themselves throughout the day. We were proud to treat over twenty patients today at Las Obras. The unwavering appreciation from the Guatemalan people truly inspired me personally. As a new member of this team, each day I am learning and gaining respect for the wonderful individuals volunteering here in Antigua.

I had the privilege of observing multiple cases on this first day of surgery, notably in operation rooms with my mother Beth Kang. This being my first time seeing her in a professional setting, being alongside her and the incredible surgical team was unforgettable. For one case in particular, I was able witness Dr. Hamilton and interpreter Shannon Lawler speak with a patient’s daughter post operation. She expressed sincere gratitude towards God and our team for supporting the well-being of her mother. I connected this moment back to John Hubbard’s words during our first official meeting here in Antigua. There is a mutual healing taking place between our team and the patients here at Las Obras.

An extended day of surgery was wrapped with dinner at the Quinta de Las Flores. I continue to grow appreciation for the sense of family that this team harbors. Looking forward to yet another rewarding day here in Guatemala.

-Spencer Kang

To support this team and their commitment to our patient’s visit:

Introducing Our New CEO!