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Guatemala Medical Mission

Morning devotions started the day off with the news of the shooting in Buffalo NY, killing 10. We prayed for the senseless death of 10 lives and the families involved asking for a hope that somehow, someway there will be peace and comfort. Joanie prayed that our hands would be used for good and not evil. The gentleman on the right is Sebastian. He has a hernia and has been waiting for a year to get the surgery. He would go to work on the farm and after a half-hour of working the pain was so great, that he would need to rest until the pain subsided and then he would return to work on the farm. He did this for over a year and now he is here to get the surgery that will change his life. He said he has been praying for help and now God has answered his prayers. He was so grateful and appreciated the skilled hands that would make his life better. The gentleman on the left is Julian. His job was transporting items and goods as needed. The best part is he used a horse and cart as his mode of transportation, no motor vehicles involved. He did this for 45 years until his back could no longer take the pain. He prayed and prayed, and his church was able to offer him a job as a janitor. There he learned about Faith In Practice and will be having surgery for a mass on his neck that continues to grow. He was on the waiting list for a year. He is so grateful for the good works of Faith in Practice to make this possible Today at the hospital I saw hands working for so much good.

The team worked diligently to set up the OR and supply rooms for the start of surgeries on Monday. I saw hands working for good as the doctors and nurses completed intake and assessments to prepare the patients for surgery tomorrow. I saw the chaplain holding hands and praying for the patients. I saw volunteers hugging and comforting the patients. And most importantly I saw patients lift their hands to God, thanking Him for having His hand in the good works being done this week. It will be a week of joining together to provide long-awaited surgeries and change lives forever. It will be a time for all of us to humbly open our hearts and use our hands as God intended, for good and His glory.