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Our clinic hit the ground running this morning and saw a tremendous amount of patients! Our morning started with a devotion that focused on the calmness of your mind and letting your soul catch up to you; focus on what’s happening at this moment. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present. Today’s prayer: we ask that our first day find each one of us ready to serve our Guatemalan brothers and sisters. We ask that through each one of us our Guatemalan brothers and sisters feel compassionate care and the answers they are seeking. We thank you for this opportunity to be challenged and for the trust you place in us.

The people are so welcoming, gracious, and filled with a thankful heart even though there are many life challenges and limited resources they face every day. The compassion you feel is beyond measure and the simplest prayer goes a long way. Each mission trip is unique and brings with it its own set of frustrations, joys and sadnesses. Having the opportunity to care for people who have so little in different countries is refreshing. One of the main things I’ve learned from these trips is that patients are the same no matter the location. They typically have the same conditions, the same concerns, and the same fears when it comes to health. Whenever patients are seen in a different setting, it helps to remind practitioners that we are so lucky to have the resources we can access in the states.

One of the patient I would like to share story is: Geovanny who is 7 years old and wheelchair bound. He has not been able to walk his whole life, doctors have not diagnosed him. Last time he saw a doctor was when he was one month old. Geovanny was getting measured and adjustments for the wheelchair then he was taken to see one of pediatricians. He was seen by Dr. Alina and got a referral for physical therapy clinic so he is able to ambulate. Dr. Alina explained to Geovanny’s mother what is going on with him and treatments. Geovanny’s mother was so relived and happy that he is being treated.

Quote for today is by Paramahansa Yogananda, “You must not let your life run in the ordinary way; do something that nobody else has done, something that will dazzle the world. Show that God’s creative principle works in you.”

This dream team is dazzling the world by being of service to hundreds of Guatemalan people.

Guru Singh, RN, BSN, RRT

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