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“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” — Plato

“When you have done it to the least of these… you have don’t it to me.”  — Jesus

Finally, we made it.  After our Chenault Village team was sidelined by the Coronavirus back in March of 2020, we finally made it back to Guatemala.  But hold on — not so fast.  We had a very long bus ride on Sunday to the Petan region in Northern Guatemala.  After ten hours riding, a six a.m. departure, five a.m. coffee, four-something wake-up, three bathroom stops, two sack meals and one long time in a bus seat — we finally made it to our Gil-Town Hotel in Poptun (The pronunciation is Hil-town, but it is definitely not the Hilton).

Today’s five a.m. wake-up led to a very early morning devotional, orientation, and bus ride to our El Chal village where Guatemalans were already lined up.  These patients had patience — some leaving three hours earlier.  Their hopes and dreams were finally met when they were able to see a doctor and receive medical care.

With the Coronavirus protocols reducing the number of patients, the pace was slower than previous trips — allowing the Docs to have additional time with their patients.

Already our team has seen more cleft palettes in one day than we have seen before.  These children and families will have to wait a little longer before they have surgery.  They will be referred to a future surgery team.  But they will be so grateful for a new chapter for their children.

This year I work in the mobility clinic where loving families received new wheel chairs for life’s tough ride.  At least they will be able to maneuver the bumps and curves a little easier and safer.

Maybe we are seeing that life-proverb come true.  “Good things come to those who wait.”  It is also true for our team, Faith in Practice, Guatemalans, and all of us.  How about you?  What are you waiting for?

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and self-control.” – Galatians 5:22

Prayer:  Hey God, to be honest, I really do no like to wait. Give me patience and the awareness that others may be waiting for something, too.  Amen.

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