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Whew! It was the first day of surgery and it ended up being a 13 hour day for Team Raymer. There are 3 surgeons working in 3 rooms, helping 15 patients. We had a patient who will be celebrating her 75th birthday tomorrow. She was so grateful to Tem Raymer – every question she answered, she always said ‘God Bless You’. Dr. Phil scheduled her for surgery today so she can partake of some birthday cake, but he gave her a cookie until then! In the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit, or PACU, the nurses blew up a glove, drew a smiley face on it, and wrote ‘Happy Birthday’ on one side and ‘Feliz Cumpleaños’ on the other side. The opportunity Team Raymer has to serve the people of Guatemala has blessed us already. We were all given a cross to keep for ourselves or to give to patients as a reminder of our faith, remembering that we should “love our neighbor as ourselves”.

-Tina Trittin


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