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We started out day out bright an early with breakfast at 5:45.  We loaded the bus at 6:30 to make our way to the village where we would be serving called El Chal in Peten.

When on the bus, we started out with our daily devotion and prayer.  We talked about serving the Guatemalan people and making sure that we treated them like we would treat our best china.  Dr. Austin followed the devotion by talk about the clinic flow and providing some guidelines to help the day go more smoothly.

When we got to the clinic, we circled up and prayed for the week and then everyone got to work setting up all the equipment and patient care areas.  It was not long before we started to service patients.  It was a wonderful day of helping individuals with minor complaints to sometimes severe life-threatening conditions.

It is always so heartwarming to see all the providers collaborating on difficult cases and trying to figure out the best course of action.  I love to see the translators working with the providers and how that relationship develops over time.  I love to see the faces of the individuals who come in being carried and leave with a wheelchair that provides relief not only for the patient but also their caregivers/families. It is fascinating to me how the team comes together and how it takes everyone to make the day work.  The level of activity in the pharmacy as they fill all those prescriptions, ensure that they are accurate and take the time to explain to each patient individually how to take the medicines that they have been given is impressive. And at the end of the day, it is heartwarming to see the happy faces of those we have served.

As we drive home, everyone is tired, sweaty (it has been super hot) and ready for a  shower. We will have dinner, chat about our day, and fellowship. The day has gone well and we are all ready to go back and start all over again tomorrow.

Blessed to be serving,

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