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We have a great opportunity in a Faith in Practice Village Clinic like ours to educate and gently guide the families we see towards a healthier life. Almost every mother who brings children to our Pediatric Department mentions concern over her children’s eating habits. A pediatric visit is a perfect time for our doctors and local volunteers (the red hats) to discuss healthy eating, which might include eliminating or limiting coffee, soda, chips and sweets. Unfortunately, many Guatemalans consider these foods as staples in a child’s diet. Coffee with sugar is a common breakfast for school-age children. It is no wonder that Guatemala is globally in the top five for pediatric stunting, often the result of childhood malnutrition.

Our team Pediatricians, Dr. Sarah Beekley and Dr. Carol Ozawa coordinate nutrition counseling with a local red hat volunteer Silvia. Silvia is perfectly suited to this role as she is a teacher and nutritional educator in the local community. She can address some of the cultural sensitivities and barriers that mothers face as they do their best to feed their families. The response that Silvia has experienced from the mothers coming through our clinic has been positive, and she feels that they are appreciative for any nutrition information.

In addition to nutrition counseling, every child receives kits with toothbrushes and toothpaste, as well as dental care education. Children through the age of 12 also receive children’s vitamins.

In addition to the health counseling that we provide in Pediatrics, we also have an Education Department. Today our team leader Felicity was able to spend time with patients who have diabetes and hypertension. With the use of visual aids and extended conversation, she was able to give them tools to help them make better decisions, and hopefully keep them healthier.

-Ruth Lacey