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Triage Morning.

Our early morning is always spent together, under the Quinta pavilion, having breakfast and discussing the plans for the team to get ready for the daily tasks ahead. Our team is full of excitement and positivity as we have morning group bible readings and prayer done by Dr. Heinrich to start our days off. We also share our moving experiences from past trips as we prepare and talk about what to expect at the Obras. The group is eager to meet our patients for the first time. When we arrive at the Obras, after a short orientation, we’re greeted by our patients in the courtyard where we are surrounded by patients and their loved ones. As The Father (Fray Jesus) gathers everyone to pray, there was a peaceful ease overall. After the doctors head to clinic, teams go off to the operating rooms to set up for the many surgery days ahead. The preparation for our week takes coordination and teamwork. Something this group of volunteers has no problem with. The team are all doing their best to individually meet the patients and make them feel as comfortable as possible. The small things really do go such a long way, even smile behind our masks or a simple wave but the true beauty is seeing the pure look of hope in their eyes, They then know there is a light at the end of the tunnel and looking forward to being pain free. As some of the patients travel hours to get surgeries by the Faith and Practice team. Please keep our patients in your prayers this week while they undergo these life changing surgeries. We look forward to starting our surgery schedules tomorrow!

