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This morning our CRNA, Belinda, read about the Samaritan woman at the well, John 4:4-26. With that reading, Dennis, our devotional leader, talked about how each of us has our own well and how in our wells we have our “living water” which is different for everyone. In our wells we each have our own gifts from God, and how we use those gifts here on this mission trip, is how we reach our living water. Today we went to the Hilario Galindo Hospital, which is where we will be working all week. We got a warm welcome from several board members and all of the people who work there, followed by an orientation. After unpacking supplies and setting up the operating rooms, we got to meet with all the patients we will be working with this week. The patients we met with have traveled from all over Guatemala, each with their own story. All the patients are so grateful and excited to be here, especially Iris, who told me that she has been praying for so long to have the opportunity to get this operation. On Wednesday she will be getting her gallbladder removed by Dr. Cochrane and she is really looking forward to getting her picture taken so she can show her friends, family, and church that Faith in Practice if really here to help people. Today was really about digging deep into our “wells” to understand why we are here, and to reflect on how to use our talents to serve others this week.