We began our 2nd day in Antigua, Guatemala with breakfast followed by devotions led by Dr. Darryl Greebon. Dr. Greebon shared his personal testimony about being led to Christ through various God moments in his life. He pointed us to Psalm 23, The Lord is My Shepherd. The verbs in this psalm show us how God is in control: He makes me like down, he leads, he refreshes, he guides, he comforts. God will be directing our steps this week, and we can only anticipate what he will show us.
Today was our triage and set-up day. We had an instructional meeting with the Obras Hospital staff. The week’s patients arrived at the hospital to meet with the surgeons and set up surgical dates/times. Behind the scenes, the rest of the team emptied the numerous trunks of supplies and put everything in place for the week’s procedures.
Imagine the challenges for our team:
Operating on patients they’re meeting for the first time
Working in an unfamiliar hospital
Inputting information into a new computer system
Working with medical providers from other cities and states
Using instruments they’ve brought along in trunks
Serving in roles that may be out of their comfort zone at home
Dispensing medications in a foreign country
Language barriers with patients and hospital staff
Yet I have seen these teams over the years treat the patients and overcome challenges so seamlessly that you would never know the difference. It is a joy to watch this all come together, seeing prayers answered and lives changed.
We ask for your prayers for all team members this week and that each patient we encounter will have the best outcome possible.
Therese Kiernan, Photojournalist