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5:30 a.m. – Never too early for some of our Team HIM members to kick off the day with burpees and pushups  as they grab a vigorous workout before heading to breakfast.

Once breakfast was over, we all got together as Gavin led the team in devotions.  Today he spoke to us about the stories of the Prodigal Son and the man who was lowered down through the roof to be healed by Jesus.  It’s just amazing to remember the gift of God’s grace and healing in our lives!

As we walked to the hospital after our devotion time, we moved from reflection to preparation for the week ahead.  We had a team orientation which then broke up for everyone to do their part in prepping for each surgery to be a success.  This is our first time for Team HIM to work alongside Faith In Practice, and we meshed well as a group.. We can’t wait to see how God works through our partnered teams.

The Surgeons, Anesthesiologists, and Administration staff were assisted with interpreters as they met with patients for Pre-Op to talk through the procedures, schedule surgery times, and answer questions (and of course give encouragement and comfort).  The rest of the surgery team members worked hard to set up and prep the OR rooms.

Each surgical team met with 10 to 14 patients today. There was an air of excitement and joy among the patients too.  It’s just amazing to think how many of their lives will be dramatically changed for the better after this week.   Although most of our patients are 40 years and older, we do have a diversity of age as well as one young child we will be helping this week.

After doing Pre-Op and preparing the OR’s, our team headed back to the hotel.  Some of our team went to Mass, some played a little Euchre, and a few even dressed up for Halloween.  All in all, most of our team relaxed and talked in the meal area before tomorrow’s surgeries begin.

Each day we’ll keep you updated with a new blog post, so check back in tomorrow to see how our first day of surgeries went!