Day 2 Blog: The Gift of Doing Good
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 (NRSV) “I know that there is nothing better for them than to be happy and enjoy themselves as long as they live; moreover, it is God’s gift that all should eat and drink and take pleasure in all their toil.”
Inspiring Quote: “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” — Dalai Lama
Today was the first day of our clinic. We began at 6:30 a.m. with singing and devotions where we focused on the above scripture and quote. We loaded up the busses and arrived at the clinic with dozens of patients already in line. We even had 3 busses of patients who left their homes in the middle of the night to take a 5-hour bus ride to receive care. So much preparation had been done behind the scenes and today was Game Day! Doctors, workers, volunteers, and translators knew their roles and executed their plays beautifully.
It is impossible to convey the breadth of compassion that unfolded in the various clinics but let me share one touching story that occurred in Pediatrics. Dr. Peggy was seeing a child who has cerebal palsy. What moved Peggy was “the exquisite care” that the child received from his father. The father told her that his first two children died before they were born, and he would do anything for this child! It is God’s gift that all should receive care! And the Dalai Lama was correct — If you want others to be happy (fulfilled, loved, cared for) practice compassion; If you want to be happy (fulfilled, loved, cared for) practice compassion. What goes around does come around!
Prayer: Gracious God, let me find joy in serving others. Help me to see Your presence in my work and in the people I meet. Amen.
Rev. Paul Nazarian
Team Blogger