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Meet the Wheelchair Clinic Team: (Guatemala based) Coordinator-Claudia Navas, Technical Engineer-Byron Alonzo, Clinic Assistant-Omar Cruz, Physical Therapist-Lorena Ortiz, Director of Partnership-Josh Greenman, (US Based) Dr. Peter Kenyon, Physical Therapist-Thomas Lenz, Technical team- Tom & Kathy Hecht, Ed Coke

The “Free Wheelchair Mission” has donated 2000 wheelchairs to Faith In Practice this year.  On our trip, the clinic will see up to 40 patients a day, young adults to elderly, and each will receive a chair, walker, crutches or a cane.  Each patient receives an assessment of their mobility and they, along with their family, are taught how to use the equipment and how to adjust it as needed. Receiving a chair allows not only the patient to become mobile, but allows them to become less dependent on their family to get around.  As you can imagine, there is little accommodation made for those with mobility issues in Guatemala.

This year the clinic was stocked with shoes donated from Guicha, she previously helped in the clinic and in return donated her salary back in shoes!  Every patient and family member who needed shoes were given a pair on their way home from the clinic!  Thank you!