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We started the day off with a delicious breakfast at the hotel and an early morning devotional led by Pastor Kyle Wakefield. Kyle shared a scripture from Revelation 21:5  “And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I will make all things new…” Kyle reminded the team that today we would be helping God make our patients “new.” We might not be able to make them all new but through us they can feel God’s love and power and have hope to become new. We would be helping them physically and spiritually. Our mission is to bring physical healing to those in need and through that physical healing they would also feel spiritual healing. Kyle asked, “What does it mean to make something new? The answer: Only through HIM (GOD) can we be made whole.” We were encouraged to put aside our agendas, our ideas and our expectations and let God work through us to heal these people of Guatemala.

When we arrived at the clinic we had a brief orientation to go over how things worked. We were split into two teams. The doctors and translators went to clinic while the nurses, scrub techs and physical therapists were oriented in the OR to prepare for the week. The clinics were full which is normal here. Patients travel from near and far to been seen at this clinic. The orthopaedic surgeons saw everything from a routine knee replacement, infected plates, and arthritis to very complicated bone deformities and abnormalities. The majority of the patients seen today will have surgery later this week.

Dr. Willis had a patient that traveled over 22 hours to be seen today.

One patient, Samuel, has had a broken leg for over 2 years and hasn’t been able to work. Life with no income has been very difficult for him and his family. He has 2 hungry children at home. Today he received the good news by Dr. Au, orthopedic trauma surgeon that he will have surgery on Tuesday. He will finally be able to have his leg fixed so he can go back to work. His wife shared that she was hoping that through this surgery he will be able to heal and be able to be a better father and provide for their two daughters.

Another patient seen today, Yeyson, was in a car accident 23 years ago. He has not been able to walk. He will have surgery this week with the hopes of a miracle to be able to walk again.

Dr. Keith Douglas, a hand surgeon, had a full clinic of patients. A farmer, who has terrible gout, was seen today. He is scheduled for surgery this week. Dr. Douglas will perform several complicated surges this week with hopes of helping these patients to become “new.”

Dr. Watson, a foot and ankle surgeon worked non stop today, seeing many adults and children. 16 year old, Carlos, traveled 3 hours today to be seen at the clinic. Eight years ago he started seeing an abnormality in his leg. With the help of the surgeons Carlos was evalutaed and it was determined that he is in need of a back scan to determine further treatment.

Every single patient seen today was treated with love and concern by an expert physician. This gave these patients peace of mind and hope. Many were signed up for surgery this coming week, however, not all patients seen today will need surgery. Many were sent home with instructions of care.

The Douglas/Even team consists of doctors, nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, surgical techs, first assists, interpreters and several other volunteers. All have answered the call to serve and do so gladly. Several have been here before and have come back because of the love they have for others but for the majority of the group this is their first mission trip with the hopes of making a difference and returning again next year.

We look forward to the miracles we will see the rest of this week and pray to be the instruments in God’s hand to help make these patients “new.”

-Anna Au