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724 Cahill/Dawson Surgery – Saturday, 4-2-22

Wow. We just arrived at the hotel in Antigua and finished our introduction meeting. Between the trunks at the airport, buses to the hotel, and meeting the two dozen volunteers and 3 Faith In Practice staff members today, I’m blown away at the organization, expertise, and overall excitement of this operation! Also inspired. This is my first trip with FIP and white. I knew I would enjoy the mission; I had no idea how I would feel when I arrived, but now I can’t wait to get started tomorrow!

One of the things that struck me this afternoon was the number of group members here for the 5th, 6th, 10th, and 12th time! People feel their work is valued, and they are making a difference in the lives of the Guatemalans they can treat. I asked a surgeon yesterday what kept him coming back, and he replied, “There’s just nothing like it.
I look forward to it all year.”

That’s pretty special.

Introducing Our New CEO!