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Today has been a very long day of travel. Most of the team flew in from Chicago while a few flew in from Dallas. While this is my first journey to Guatemala, it was nice to see old members of the team reunite and catch up on their current endeavors. The bus ride from Guatemala City to Retalhuleu was a five hour drive with brutal city traffic in the middle of the rainy season. I met a couple of the translators, Jackie and Olga, at the airport who are from Wisconsin, but have family here and often translate on these trips. Olga says Guatemala still feels like home to her. It’s so nice to see there are some people who come back year after year to volunteer their time and talents. I understand that tomorrow will be a long day of meeting more people and patients during triage clinic. I cannot wait to hear the stories of these people who have traveled a long way to have their surgeries.

Taylor Foss

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