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Travel day is finally here. The Heinrich-Pond team will return to Antigua, Guatemala, first time since 2019. It has been a long journey for all of us since the start of COVID-19. Although things might feel like they’re on an ‘upswing’ and finally normalizing for us at home, it couldn’t be further than the truth for our friends and patients here in Guatemala. So many emotions flood my heart as the flight starts the descent into Guatemala City. My head is full of worry and anxiety, as it often is when flying, but I start second guessing myself, “Will we make a big enough impact as previous years?”, “Will our team members be safe?”, “Am I doing enough to make this mission impactful for our patients and team??” So, I prayed. One of my favorite verses, Joshua 1:9, I say to myself often, “Be strong & courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” But mostly I prayed for our patients’ surgeries and our team who will be caring for them. Faith in our journey has always been the theme of our mission, it’s literally in the name. I pray for my faith all the time. But I especially prayed for my faith on the days leading up to this mission, not only to feel the power of God move through us and the team, but I desired to see Him work and show His power in healing. God gave all of us gifts. Mine, was the gift of organization or planning (definitely isn’t the gift blogging!), in which my husband, Dr. Matthew Heinrich, scooped me up and asked me to help as his Team Administrator. The gifts that this team has, are remarkable. The God-given talents of surgery-skill, anesthesia, nursing, medicine & empathy, are so beautiful and I have a front row seat. I am so blessed to have witnessed the pain leave patients, as they walk for the first-time post-surgery, replaced with joy and gratitude. These are the thoughts that came to my mind as we were driving through the mountains into Antigua. As our doors open to the Quinta De Las Flores, Jaime & Tamalyn welcome us, it starts to sprinkle cooling rain. We meet and greet the rest of our team, 25 volunteers in all! We have team members from Georgia, Seattle, Dallas, Phoenix, Houston & Austin. Everyone seems to have known each other for years. Not a stranger in the mix. The rest of the evening is casual, we enjoy some of the most delicious enchiladas I have ever had! We certainly will not go hungry at the Quinta. Tomorrow we will have triage day at the Obras and set the OR’s and surgery schedules for the week. Our patients will be COVID screened and tested. They will be quarantined away from their families until they have surgery. Please keep them in your prayers. We know that must be hard to be away from their loved ones. The team is tired after filling up with a delicious meal, and a long day of travel. We all decide to go to bed early, for the early orientation and devotion.

I think this group of volunteers, our team #693 holds a special place in my heart. But I say that every time.

Peace & Love,
