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Today was a travel day with flights from Dallas, Houston, and Atlanta. We have about 40 team members , most from Texas but others from California, Washington, New Mexico, and Georgia. I hope I did not leave a state out. A mixture of veterans and first time volunteers. We are all excited to finally be here in Antigua. We have a full complement of surgeons, nurses, anesthesia, physical therapists, and most importantly a chef and sou chef. We arrived late in the afternoon and had our orientation. We are cognizant of the risk of Covid which is not well controlled here. We are isolated to our compound and the hospital. Compound is not a fair term because it is a lovely hotel/motel with beautiful interior gardens and multiple fountains. Photos to follow. We look forward to clinic tomorrow when we will have the opportunity to meet our potential surgery patients at pro- op screening. It is rainy season here but so far only intermittent light rain. Temperatures are very mild today. More to come.

-James Bruce