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July 3rd-Our Journey begins

At the Houston airport before our flight, it was great to see old friends come together and new ones joining the team. We have a great mix of Veteran FIP volunteers and several new volunteers. The excitement and anticipation was palpable. Team Farrow consist of team director and administrator, surgeons, anesthesiologist, nurses, scrub tech, pharmacist and interpreter. Farrow team arrived to Guatemala on time. We had an amazing journey getting here. We were greeted immediately at the airport. We spent the day traveling and getting to know one another. The team instantly bonded as we are all here for the same purpose, to serve.

When I asked several team members why they joined this team, the responses were heartfelt:

Dr Farrow-“It’s the most amazing week of your life. Serving God and the people of Guatemala is inspirational and gives purpose.”

Jeannie RN-“It’s addictive. The people of Guatemala are so grateful and thankful for your service. It’s not like anything I have ever experienced anywhere else.”

Marcy RN-“It’s something I have always wanted to do.
We had a wonderful welcome dinner upon arrival to the hotel. We established roles and responsibilities of the team, received our room assignments, organized ourselves in preparation of the days ahead.”