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Can you hear the echo of God’s call?

I opened up my bible recently to the book of Revelation and read repeatedly the words, “Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing…” That blowing of God’s Spirit was felt by 21 volunteers who arrived today in Guatemala, ready to serve. 5 members of our team are brand new! They heard the call!

There’s a lot of noise in the world today! And sometimes it’s easy to miss the whispers. But the whispers touch you deeply! They nudge your soul and move you to say YES to things like volunteering in Guatemala on a life changing medical mission team!

This week join us on this journey as we share our stories. Stories that will surely change our lives along with those receiving medical care. And as you read, I hope you will feeling that same Spirit blowing. And I hope that all you can do is shout YES! Because it will be a wild and wonderful ride!

Julie Eberly

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