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“God’s dream is that you and I and all of us will realize that we are family, that we are made for togetherness, for goodness, and for compassion.” – Desmond Tutu


“In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets.” – Matthew 7:12




            Children add so much joy to life – – especially grandchildren!  We have interacted with many children in the village with fist bumps, smiles, and un poco español.  Some have helped around the clinic and have bonded with team members.  A group of children have adopted Bobby Gonzales and his eyeglass boutique/cataract control specialist/reading glass distribution table.  They must be here with their parents because they appear to be very healthy and spunky!  

            But it is a bummer to see any child who is sick or struggling.  Many of us know that sick feeling in our gut when our child (or grandchild) is sick in their gut.  So you can imagine how reassuring it must feel when your child receives the pediatrician’s words that your child is going to be alright after they take their medicine or after a few days rest.  

            One vitally important ministry of Faith in Practice is their referral program.  A Village Team normally refers between two to three hundred patients throughout the week.  Faith in Practice brings surgery teams to Guatemala to offer life-changing surgeries.  They also partner with other organizations who offer specialized surgeries.  For instance, Dr. Paul Herman, our Pediatrician, saw a little child with a cleft palate.  The good news is that Faith In Practice partners with TESS Unlimited where Plastic Surgeons work their magic with cleft palates.  Also, a little girl who suffered a severe burn years ago will be able to have surgery that will allow her to use her dominant hand again.  And Faith In Practice will help see them through the process.  Those surgeries are life-changers!  Can you imagine?  I can, because if we look close enough in the eyes of the children, we just might see our child or grandchild!  I think that is what Desmond Tutu was talking about!


Prayer:  Gracious God, Help us realize that we all are part of your family.  And help us do to others, as we would like others to do to us!  Amen.

-Rev. Paul Nazarian

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