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As the sun rose, so did Team Davis. Right from the start, a steady stream of chatter filled the crisp Guatemalan air and the tops of the nearby volcanoes peered through the clouds. The beautiful native flowers served as the backdrop for a scenic breakfast that consisted of scrambled eggs, potatoes, and crispy bacon. Immediately following breakfast, the team bonded over our devotional, which emphasized the importance of patience throughout our mission and life in general. We were reminded of the beauty of God’s timing and were encouraged not to force anything, but to allow God’s plan to unfold as the trip moved along.

We then headed to the hospital, where we attended a brief orientation regarding hospital rules before getting to work. The surgical teams were placed into rooms for each specialty (OBGYN, plastic surgery, and general surgery) and immediately began evaluating patients. The rest of the volunteers sorted through and organized supplies, taking a thorough inventory of scalpels, gauze, medicine, and other items. As operations were scheduled by the surgical teams, patients opened up about their respective issues and we learned about the story of an 87-year-old Guatemalan man. He has dealt with an inguinal hernia for nearly four years but still works nearly every day in the fields. Despite all this, he has previously been unable to get the care he needs. He is extremely grateful for Faith in Practice and is scheduled for surgery later this week.

After a hard day’s work diagnosing patients, scheduling operations, and organizing supplies, the team returned home to Quinta de Los Flores, where a hearty meal of pasta and chicken awaited us. We talked for a while and then headed off to bed, thankful for the opportunity to serve and opportunistic about what tomorrow may hold.

Collin Truitt