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Mission Blog


By April 14, 2021July 14th, 2021No Comments

Edgar Oswaldo lives in El Progreso, Jose Calito in Montericco. The distance between them is more than 5 hours by car. Without tragedy they probably would never have met. But, through tragedy, they have become, as Jose Calito says, brothers.


Edgar Oswaldo and Jose Calito were each carried into the national hospital in Esquintla, two weeks apart, having suffered a debilitating trauma to their lower extremities in motorcycle accidents. For months they languished in the hospital, in pain. For months, they suffered failed surgeries and treatments, as they witnessed others die, the under-resourced hospital being completely overwhelmed. Through this time, they watched their families slip more deeply into poverty, because they were incapable of providing for them. Through that pain, they formed a bond. A bond that was forged in their support of each other, in the ways they assisted other patients across those months, and above all else, by their faith. Their faith in the God, as they have said, saved their lives and who gave them each other. That was in 2019.

On March 5, 2021, through another twist of fate, these two strong and faithful men, these brothers, met again. This time, they found themselves in the courtyard in the Obras hospital waiting to see Dr. Mark Ishimaru to be evaluated for the upcoming Parsley/Woolf orthopedic team. Edgar had come from El Progreso through our volunteer Georgina. Jose Calito had come to the Obras through his community in Monterrico. There are hundreds of patients awaiting orthopedic surgeries across Guatemala. And, yet, somehow, these two were scheduled for the same day.

On March 5, there were many tears as the two ‘brothers’ reminisced of the long journey they had traversed. Jose Calito spoke of how Edgar Oswaldo had sustained his faith, encouraging him when he found himself discouraged. Edgar Oswaldo spoke of how Jose Calito helped him find forgiveness in his heart. Both spoke of how God had saved their lives and blessed them with each other.

On May 2, these brothers shall meet again, because on that day they are both scheduled to see Dr. Jack Dawson on the Parsley/Woolf team.

We ask that you enfold these two men and their families in prayer this day and in the days ahead. We especially ask that you pray for healing so that these two might return to work to provide for their families. To provide for their families, that is their main desire and focus. And, we ask that you hold Jack Dawson and the entire team in prayer as they discern the right course of action for these men and all of their patients.

Whatever happens on May 2 and the days that follow, we do know that Edgar Oswaldo and Jose Calito will be there for each other, in prayer, holding each other up, thanking their God, come what may. As they have in the past.

For all of us, well, we are grateful to be a witness to this faith, this friendship, and to be a part of their journey, wherever it may lead them. We hope you journey along with us as we follow Edgar Oswaldo and Jose Calito in the days ahead through this blog.

Faith In Practice seeks to find patients in the greatest of need in remote areas throughout Guatemala. We do this through a network of Guatemalan volunteers, which is how we encountered Jose Calito, and a network of partnerships, such as municipalities and hospitals, which is how we encountered Edgar Oswaldo.

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