Blog Day 5
Today was just like any other day in the morning! Everyone was ready to get to work. Over the course of this week the team as a whole completed 72 surgeries!! It’s crazy to comprehend that many people’s lives changing, but with the hard work of everyone on the team it becomes believable.
The whole purpose of this week was to spread help and love to the people of Antigua. One group that excelled at this was the Post Op crew. They were given the important role of telling the patients the exciting news of their successful surgeries and making sure they felt loved and cared for during that process.
The day went by fast considering it was the last day of surgery. Dr. Farrow found fixed a hernia and Dr. Crotzer and Dr. Mccrery came together to do a hysterectomy one last time for this trip. Some teams even got to leave early since there were some cancellations. Teams got to go explore the wonderful town together!
The ending to the night was the most memorable. Everyone(excluding those who didn’t feel well) went out to dinner to celebrate everything this week has brought. I for one have had an attitude shift since coming here, and I know I’m not the only one. Dr. Farrow ended our dinner by recognizing what everyone had done this week. It was a great full circle moment since this faces that were just faces in the beginning now had names and memories attached to them! I loved being your blogger this week, and loved everything I experienced in Antigua!
Cece Crotzer
Team Blogger